- 时hour
- 常用in common usage
- “智慧”这个词儿不常用在动物身上。The word "intelligence" was not often used in connection with animals.
- 常often
- 他准是编造了案发时不在场的假证。He must have cooked up an alibi.
- 她说话时带有一种不常听到的抑扬顿挫的声调。There was an unfamiliar cadence in her voice.
- 路透社提供新闻时不浪费一点时间。Reuter never waste a moment in providing the news.
- 对一个工薪人员来说假期并不常有。Holidays are few and far between for a salary man.
- 记住在闹市区驾车时不要超过新的限速。Remember to remain within the new speed limit while driving in the downtown area.
- 因此我们认为退伍军人肺炎在台湾地区儿童肺炎中不常见。Legionella pneumophila was not a common etiologic agent of pediatric pneumonia in Taiwan.
- 记住,你的第一个目标是不能掉球,第二个目标是带球时不能看球。Remember, your first aim is not to droop the ball and your second aim is not to look at the ball.
- 这个部位发生肉瘤不常见,但必须与别的类型的肿瘤区别。Sarcomas are uncommon at this site, but must be distinguished from other types of neoplasms.
- 如果决定安装结束时不注册产品,也可以使用其他方法注册产品。If you decide not to register the product at the end of setup, you can register the product by using other methods.
- 虽然她想尽了办法,亨特仍不常在家住。In spite of her efforts, Hunt had not quite domesticated.
- 使数据记录的关系和数据项的内容在并行处理时不受影响的一种保护能力。The ability to ensure that data record relationships and the contents of data items are not adversely affected by concurrent processes.
- 珠儿以一种她不常有的温柔劲,往下拽着她母亲的头,亲了她母亲的额头和双颊。"In a mood of tenderness that was not usual with her, she drew down her mother's head, and kissed her brow and both her cheeks."
- 史蒂芬斯法官开庭时不允许人胡来。Judge Stephens allowed no foolishness when he held court.
- 我选择了棕色作为公司的主色调,尽管这种颜色并不常用。Logo. I chose brown as my company's color, even though that's not common at all.
- 我们处理这个问题时不应抱有偏见。We should come to the problem with an open mind.
- 现在大家族已经不常见了;极反常的行为。these days large families are atypical; highly irregular behavior.