- 我在一家旧货铺里偶然发现了一张他早年灌制的唱片。I ran across one of his earliest recordings in a secondhand shop.
- 自从那天晚上他在那家旧货铺门口碰到她以来已有四天了。Four days had gone past since the evening when he had run into her outside the junk shop.
- 平铺tile
- 铺to spread
- 旧货交易需身份证ID Card Needed for Second-Hand Deals
- 不要小看了从旧货店买来的东西。Don't turn your back on purchases from second-hand stores.
- 旧货店(尤指为慈善目的弄来的旧货出售的商店)thrift shop
- 上铺upper berth
- 贸易信托是指委托人将旧货或存货委托信托机构代为出售或处理的经济行为。Trade trust refers to the economic action that the bailer entrusts fiduciary institution to sell or deal with his or her junk or goods in stock.
- 铺满overspread
- 在美国,除非是跳蚤市场或是旧货大拍卖,否则人们不会费事去讨价还价的。And unless they're at a flea market or a yard sale, they don't bother trying to bargain.
- 铺装pavement
- 铺地板flooring
- 地铺shakedown
- 铺地砖paving brick
- 铺地pavage
- 摊铺机spreading machine
- 那块地毯下面要铺衬垫。That carpet needs a pad under it.
- 园丁正忙于铺草皮。The gardener was busy laying turf.
- 摊铺pave