- 旧old (opposite of new)
- 旧版old version
- 四川资中小镇上的小人书铺。This is a small bookshop selling picture-story books in a town.
- 旧的old
- 新旧new and old
- 以旧换新old-for-new service
- 用旧outwear
- 在旧政权下妇女不能选举。Under the old regime women could not vote.
- 他逛了一家旧书店。He poked about in a second-hand bookstore.
- 老旧old
- 旧的或者古老的Old or venerable.
- 研讨会旨在改革旧的封闭式的评价制度,从而建立新的教育评价体系。The purpose of this seminar is to reform the old closed system so as to establish the new system of educational assessment.
- 他喜欢摆弄旧钟和引擎。He likes to monkey with old clocks and engines.
- 我们出最高价收购旧汽车。We pay top prices for used cars.
- 他们使劲把旧钢琴搬出房间。They muscled the old piano out of the room.
- 旧中国old China
- 旧书店book bank
- 我们刮去了旧的花壁纸。We stripped away the old patterned paper.
- 旧车used car; second-hand car
- 旧城改造reconstruction of the old city town