- 目前,我们合共有8800个宿位和24000个日间服务名额,为残疾人士提供不同类别的服务,包括特殊教育和技能训练。We now have a total of some 8 800 residential places and over 24 000 day places for different types of services including special education and skills training.
- 中心heart
- 为纾缓各项服务目前和预计日后出现的不足情况,我们已拨出资源,在未来五年为约2000名残疾人士提供额外的日间服务名额和住宿名额。In meeting the existing and projected shortfalls of various services,we have already allocated resources to provide additional day and residential places for some 2 000 disabled persons over the next five years.
- 服务service
- 自亚太区残疾人士十年推广大会在一九九三年开展以来,我们为残疾人士提供的住宿名额已增加一倍,而日间服务名额也增加了一半左右。Since the beginning of the Asian and Pacific Decade for Disabled Persons in 1993,we have doubled the number of residential places and increased the number of day places by about 50%25 .
- 服务中心service centre
- 层间服务interlayer service
- 日间中心day center
- 域间服务质量inter-domain QoS
- 客户服务中心client service center; customer service center
- 新拨款机制有助医院管理局进一步发展日间及外展社区护理计划。The new funding arrangement has facilitated the further development of the Hospital Authority's ambulatory and community outreach programmes.
- 人才交流服务中心personnel exchange service center
- 代理、居间服务services as an agent or an intermediary
- 日间任务daytime tasks
- 日间频率day frequency
- 日间门诊Clinic Area
- 技术交易场所或者中介机构对其在从事代理或者居间服务中知悉的有关当事人的技术秘密,负有保密义务。Agencies of technological exchange and intermediate institutions shall be obligated to keep secret the technical know-how of the parties concerned, which they come to know while serving as an agent or an intermediary.
- 日间电视节目daytime telly
- 日间小睡power nap