- 日治量d.t.d; dosis therapeutica die
- 日治时期日本神道在台湾的传播与局限Shinto: Its Spread and Limitation in Taiwan under the Japanese Occupation
- 日治末期,为解决粮荒,日人驱逐大批居民离境。Towards the latter part of the occupation,the Japanese sought to ease the food problems by organising mass deportations.
- 我认为本校最吸引及令人难忘的,就是它在日治时期的经历。From my point of view, the most interesting and impressive page of the College history was that happened during the Japanese Invasion.
- 日治时期,被囚禁于各集中营的天文台人员仍然继续观测雨量。During the period of Japanese occupation, rainfall observations had been carried out by Observatory staff imprisoned in various camps.
- 日剧Japanese TV play
- 治具tool
- 日中Japan-China
- 日的diurnal
- 专治tyranny
- 前日eve
- 治好cure; bring ... under control
- 日产daily output; current yield
- 按日by the day
- 人治rule of man [through virtuous leaders]
- 人日man-day
- 日式Japanese
- 日心说hiliocentricism
- 日後sometime
- 日蚀eclipse