- 日本Japan
- 日本人Japanese person or people
- 蜜蜂honeybee (Apis mellifera)
- 日本的Japonic
- 日本人的Nipponese
- 小蜜蜂apis florea
- 日本料理Japanese cuisine
- 蜜蜂的apiarian
- 一只蜜蜂螫了他的背。A bee stung him on the back.
- 日本天皇mikado
- 蜜蜂使花受精。Bees fertilize the flowers.
- 日本武士samurai
- 蜜蜂是勤劳的昆虫。The bee is a diligent insect.
- 日本语Japanese
- 小心不要被蜜蜂螫到。Take care not to be bitten by the bees.
- 日本国Japan
- 鲜花招引来许多蜜蜂。Flowers attract many bees.
- 财阀在日本,由有实力的家族控制的商业联合企业A powerful family-controlled commercial combine of Japan.
- 我妻子从来不感到厌烦。她总是从早到晚像蜜蜂一样忙碌着。My wife never has time to get bored. She's as busy as a bee from morning to night.
- 日本清酒sake