- 小麦线虫,一种小的线虫(小麦粒瘿线虫鳗属)寄生于小麦并对小麦有毁灭性作用a small nematode worm(Anguina tritici) that is parasitic on and destructive to wheat
- 日本Japan
- 小麦线虫一种小的线虫(小麦粒瘿线虫鳗属)寄生于小麦并对小麦有毁灭性作用A small nematode worm(Anguina tritici)that is parasitic on and destructive to wheat.
- 小麦线虫一种小的线虫(小麦粒瘿线虫鳗属)寄生于小麦并对小麦有毁灭性作用A small nematode worm(Anguina tritici)that is parasitic on and destructive to wheat.
- 日本人Japanese person or people
- 虫worm
- 日本的Japonic
- 结果显示:日本虫寻鳃丝、肝胰脏MT含量在3d时均显著升高,之后随着离子浓度的升高和作用时间的延长变化显著(P<0.05),并在一定时间内具有时间剂量效应关系,而对照组变化不显著;Effects of three kinds of heavy metal ions on MT concentration in the gills and hepatopancreas of Charybdis japonica during 15 days were studied using using mercury saturation assay method and AAS.
- 日本人的Nipponese
- 木虫carpenter worm
- 鳗eel
- 日本料理Japanese cuisine
- 甲壳虫beetle
- 线虫eelworm
- 日本天皇mikado
- 杀虫desinsection
- 日本武士samurai
- 除虫worm
- 日本语Japanese
- 螨虫acarid