- 日本Japan
- 问问新加坡人,日本统治新加坡有多久?How long was the Japanese Occupation of Singapore?
- 属于或关于詹姆士一世、他的统治或其统治时代的。of or relating to James I or his reign or times.
- 自1910年至1945年日本统治朝鲜半岛。Japan ruled the Korean peninsula from 1910 to 1945.
- 开罗的土耳其建筑-统治时代Ottoman Architecture in Cairo - The Age of the Governors
- 近代日本统治集团对政治现代化的价值判断Neoteric Japan Ruling Bloc’s Value Judgment on Political Modernization
- 贵族统治时代人们的命运并不掌握在自己手中。In time of aristocracy, people's fates are not in the hands of themselves.
- 日本人Japanese person or people
- 日本的Japonic
- 但与这种民主精神相悖的是,此时的雅典在向“专制统治时代”迈进。Paradoxically, Athens was on the threshold of her "age of despotism"
- 试论日本统治时期的台湾议会设置请愿运动Taiwan'Petition Movement on Setting up Parliament in the Period that was under Japanese Rule
- 我在乡间度过了青少年时代。I spent my youth in the country.
- 日本人的Nipponese
- 那个时代出天才。The age was productive of men of genius.
- 日本料理Japanese cuisine
- 她自孩提时代起一直受父亲控制。She has been under the domination of her father since childhood.
- 人民在日本统治下受苦受难的日子是永远不会忘记的。The days will never be forgotten when people suffered under the rule of the Japanese.
- 法国大革命开创了一个新时代。The French Revolution ushered in a new age.
- 我们的时代英雄辈出。Our era produces a host of heroes and heroines.
- 日本天皇mikado