- 日本Japan
- 乐园paradise
- 日本人Japanese person or people
- 日本的Japonic
- 迪斯尼乐园Disneyland
- 日本人的Nipponese
- 猴子是许多危险疾病的传染媒介。Monkeys are transmitters of a number of dangerous diseases.
- 失乐园Paradise Lost
- 日本料理Japanese cuisine
- 水上乐园boat paradise; waterly playground
- 猴子有能盘卷住东西的尾巴。A monkey has a prehensile tail.
- 儿童乐园children's playground
- 日本天皇mikado
- 猴子从栏杆里伸出手拿走了香蕉。The monkey reached out a hand through the bars and took the banana.
- 一大群猴子a barrel of monkeys
- 日本武士samurai
- 迪士尼乐园Disneyland
- 猴子相互梳理毛发。Monkeys groom each other.
- 日本语Japanese
- 他像猴子那麽顽皮!He's as mischievous as a monkey!