- 这个海滩上有大量的峨螺壳。Winkle shells are abundant on this beach.
- 螺snail
- 螺杆screw
- 峨lofty
- 日本海Sea of Japan
- 螺柱double-screw bolt
- 螺孔screw
- 日本海权Japanese Sea Power
- 嵯峨cragginess
- 环日本海the Central Sea of Japan
- 螺塞plug screw
- 日本海水线Japan Sea Cable
- 因此,峨特艺术风格的巴黎,完整无缺的时间只是一刹那而已。Thus Gothic Paris was complete only for a moment.
- 日本海扩张extension of Japan Sea
- 螺杆泵screw pump
- 日本海电缆Japan Sea Cable
- 峨然不群far excel others
- 螺牙thread
- 日本海西部the west part of Japan Sea
- 峨参woodland beakchervil