- 日本Japan
- 日本成人高胆固醇处理一级预防研究,Management of Elevated Cholesterol in the Primary Prevention Group of Adult Japanese Group
- 日本人Japanese person or people
- 日本的Japonic
- 每个人都能参加这游戏。Everyone can participate in this game.
- 日本人的Nipponese
- 成人教育的相当一部分是由大众传播媒介完成的。A good deal of adult education is accomplished by the mass media.
- 这个游戏至少需要三个人才可以玩。This game requires a minimum of three players.
- 日本料理Japanese cuisine
- 那是一部成人电影。That is an adult movie.
- 孩子们在玩弹子游戏。The children are playing marbles.
- 仅仅是个孩子是不能做成人工作的。A mere child cannot do the work of a man.
- 日本天皇mikado
- 小孩子正在那儿玩捉人游戏。The kids are playing tag over there.
- 觅物游戏scavenger hunter
- 日本武士samurai
- 孩子们在玩医生与护士的游戏。The children were playing doctors and nurses.
- 日本语Japanese
- 夜间我们燃起篝火做游戏。At night we bank up the fire for fun.
- 玩这游戏以前你必须熟悉其规则。You must familiarize yourself with the rules before playing the game.