- 毛柄小勾儿茶Berchemiella wilsonii var. pubipetiolata
- 日本Japan
- 在直线上画一个小勾作标记,指示磁针的指向。Make a tick mark on the line indicating where the compass needle is pointing.
- 禁止二手市场交易惹恼了日本小器具爱好者Ban on secondhand sales angers Japanese gadget lovers
- 茶tea
- 有两次在禁区用左手小勾手得分,其中一个空心入网,另一个则是打板入框。Twice in the post with left-handed miniature hooks, one a swish, the other enjoying the backboard.
- 日本小松和美国卡特彼勒在中国市场分销渠道的比较分析Comparative Analysis between Distribution Channels of Komatsu and Caterpillar in Chinese Market
- 细叶勾儿茶Berchemia lineata (L.)DC.
- 日本人Japanese person or people
- 日本的Japonic
- 从小from childhood
- 白儿茶pale catechu
- 最小的lowest
- 阿拉巴马句儿茶supplejack
- 亲缘关系最近的有:泰内小蜂属和背突小蜂属,泊卡小蜂属和日本小蜂属,小蜂属和卡诺小蜂属以及细尾小蜂属和三角小蜂属,它们各自之间都构成姊妹群关系。the genera with the closest consanguinities were: Tainaniella and Oxycoryphe, Proconura and Nipponochalcidia, Chalcis and Conura, Megalocolus and Trigonura, they were regarded as 4 pairs of sister groups.
- 表儿茶酸epicatechin
- 牯岭勾儿茶Berchemia kulingensis Schneid.
- 苍儿茶gambir
- 棕儿茶gambir