- 太平大眼蟹Macrophthalmus pacicus
- 泥沙滩区分为:盐碱植物-滨螺带和招潮蟹-大眼蟹带;There are two zones in the belt of sand-mud beaches: The halophyte-Littorina zone and Uca-Macropthalmus zone.
- 日本Japan
- 大眼蟹病毒Macropipus deprator virus
- 日本人Japanese person or people
- 自1954年哥斯拉首次袭击的50年后,哥斯拉向日本大报复。50 years after the first attack in 1954, Godzilla returns to Japan to take ravage.
- Vc-獭兔、日本大耳白兔与新西兰白兔血液蛋白多态性研究Studies on Blood Protein Polymorphism in Vc-Rex Rabbits, Japanese White Rabbits and New Zealand White Rabbits
- 梭鲈鱼一种与鲈有亲缘关系并貌似长矛的鱼,如大眼鲥鱼A fish,such as the walleye,that is related to the perch and resembles the pike.
- 日本大螯蜚Grandidierellajaponica
- 中华绒螯蟹大眼幼体Eriocheir sinensis megalopa
- 日本大地沟Fossa Magna
- 暗白色的底栖大头鱼,大眼,嘴巴象鸭子。pallid bottom-dwelling flat-headed fish with large eyes and a duck-like snout.
- 日本大店法Japanese Big Store Law
- 大眼,大口径lv,LV(large vent)
- 日本大茴香油Japanese star anise oil
- 大眼鳜Siniperca kneri
- 日本大耳白兔Japanese white rabbits
- 丘比特娃娃胖脸、大眼的小玩具娃娃,头顶上有一缕头发。A small, fat - cheeked, wide - eyed doll with a curl of hair on top of the head.
- 日本大和证券Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd.
- 一会儿,月牙像个要闭上的一道大眼缝,轿子进了个小巷。The crescent moon looked like a large half-closed eye. In a little while, the sedan-char entered a small lane.