- 标准中"注日期引用和不注日期引用"的解析In the Standard "the Note Date Quotation and Does Not Pour the Date Quotation" Analysis
- 日期date
- 出生日期date of birth
- 交叉引用cross-reference
- 创建日期date created
- 截止日期deadline
- 生产日期date of manufacture
- 循环引用circular reference
- 交货日期delivery date
- 他常引用康德的话。He often quotes the sayings of Kant.
- 出厂日期release date
- 所有引用all references
- 日期格式long date format
- 他引用了莎士比亚的几行诗。He quoted a few verses from Shakespeare.
- 生效日期effective date
- 节略的引用句a truncated quotation
- 开始日期date commenced
- 教授在演讲中引用了几句莎士比亚的语录。The professor used some Shakespearean tags in his speech.
- 按日期排序sort by date
- 有效日期date of validity