- 现代盘式车轮电机设计技术The Design Technology of Modern Disc Wheel Machine
- 日式榛子毛士饼Pralines Mousse Flavoured Japonaise Cake with Coconut Topping
- 新型非接触式车轮扭矩传感器设计The Design of Novel Non-contact Wheel Torque Sensor
- 非接触式车轮定位仪测量原理及其标定Measurement principle and calibration method of non-contact wheel aligner
- 在线式车轮踏面磨耗及擦伤检测方法研究Research on the method for on-line checking and measuring tread flats of the wheel
- 日式蒸蛋Steamed Egg of Japanese Style
- 就车式车轮平衡机on -car wheel balancer
- 高密度AFIR盘式车轮永磁电机设计Design of High Density AFIR Disc Wheel-motor
- 日式烤鱼Blwx Roasted Mackerel Japanese style
- 非接触式车轮定位仪Non-contact wheel aligner
- 日式鳕鱼汤Gundala Simono Japanese clear cod fish soup
- 载货汽车辐板式车轮在轮毂上的安装尺寸Disc wheels for trucks--Dimensional characteristics of attachment on hub
- 公元前 2 0 0 0年代后期出现了辐式车轮。Around 2 000 BC, the chariots which had two spoked wheels and drawn by horses appeared in Europe and the Near East, the most famous site being Sintashta in the trans Ural steppe.
- 日式烤鸡腿Roasted Chicken Drum Stick Japanese Style
- 日式牛仔骨Roasted Spare Rib of Veal in Japanese Style
- 您喜欢西式,还是日式旅馆?Would you prefer a western style hotel or a Japane inn?
- 日式牛排饭Steak Rice in Japanese Style
- 日式烤海鲜Broiled Seafood in Japanese Style
- 日式烤鳗鱼Broiled conger eel with rice Japanese style
- 日式咖啡厅Japanese Style Cafe Sawa no mon