- 日子一年胜似一 年。Life has been getting better year by year.
- 祝你幸福一年胜似一年!May each year Bring you greater happiness!
- 过一天就像过一年似的。形容日子不好过Pass days as if they were years; days are long with those who have miserable life; days wear on like years
- 那一年这个国家全部处于动乱状态。The whole country was in a state of ferment that year.
- 冬至是一年当中白昼最短的日子,而夏至则是白昼最长的日子。The winter solstice has the shortest daytime of the year, while the summer solstice has the longest.
- 这个飞行学校一年毕业一百名飞行员。The flying school graduates a hundred pilots a year.
- 这个医院的主任医师一年中大部分时间都在作巡回医疗。The chief physician of the hospital is on circuit for most of the year.
- 她在一年内长那么高令人难以相信。It is hardly credible that she has grown so tall in one year.
- 一个美国人平均一年约吃46块馅饼。The advantage American consumes approximately 46 slices of pizza a year.
- 一年或两年一度的探亲如同天边的彩虹。The yearly or the biennial visit is the rainbow on the horizon.
- 我在非洲一年期间有许多有趣的经历。I had a lot of interesting experiences during my year in Africa.
- 兹送上聘书聘请您在本大学任教一年。It is with great pleasure that I extend to you an invitation to teach at our university for one year.
- 他们忙了整整一年来制作这部影片。They busily occupied themselves for a full year in producing this film.
- 没错儿,1997的确是洛佩兹硕果累累的一年。Yes,1997 certainly turned out to be a banner year for Lopez.
- 这一年稻米产量的上升是由于新栽培方法。This year's upsurge in rice production is due to the new method of cultivation.
- 这片土地很肥沃,一年可种三季庄稼。The land is so fertile that three crops a year can grow.
- 她的婴儿在一年内体重增加了一倍。Her baby doubled its weight in a year.
- 在英国度过的一年确实对她有益处。She has certainly profited from spending a year in England.
- 一次订一年的杂志比到书报商手上零买要便宜些。It's cheaper to take out an annual subscription than to buy the periodical from a news agent.
- 那一年是1636,郁金香交易的投机性也变本加厉。That happened in the year 1636 when mania was reaching its peak.