- 日内交易价格Inraday price
- 上海期铜日内交易特征的实证研究Study of intraday effects of copper in Shanghai future exchange
- 内internal
- 交易transaction
- 日内in a few days; in a day or two; in a couple of days
- 内的inner
- 目前这行业是在本益比偏低的范围内交易。The industry is currently trading at a PE in the low teens.
- 内网Intranet
- 内置internal
- 站内instation
- 内向diffidence
- 集团内交易related party transaction
- 时间内within (a period of time)
- 在内including
- 交易所内交易活跃的专柜[经] active post
- 日内电工将来收取这个月的电费。The electrician will come round to collect the electricity fee for the month one of these days.
- 围标,"围飞"(做市),围内交易collusive bidding/collusive tendering/collusion/bidding collusion/bidding ring
- 日内;总有一天one of these days
- 网内交易过程中电厂报价博弈研究On the Game to Quoted Price of Electric Plants in the Internet Business
- 日内变动daily variation