- 新款"迷你"车在底特律打败了包括宝马7系、本田雅阁、日产350Z和庞蒂克Vibe在内的11个进入决赛的对手。The Mini beat 11 other finalists to the award in Detroit,including the BMW 7-Series,the Honda Accord,the Nissan 350Z and Pontiac Vibe.
- 日产水量water yield per day
- 产property
- 日产不锈钢薄钢带的修复Repair welding for thin stainless steel tape made of Japan
- 日产蓝鸟电喷发动机实训台Nissan Blue bird EFI engine training platform
- 日中Japan-China
- 产成品finished goods
- 日的diurnal
- 量产volume production
- 前日eve
- 按日by the day
- 产率productive rate
- 人日man-day
- 产期confinement
- 日式Japanese
- 日心说hiliocentricism
- 产科学obstetrics
- 日後sometime
- 产电electrogenesis
- 日蚀eclipse