- 无足轻重的独裁者.a tinpot little dictator
- 只有次要的批评家才有闲功夫追究这些无足轻重的小事。Only minor critics can find leisure for the chase of such small deer.
- 处理国家事务的独裁者a monarch dealing with state matters
- 苔丝并不是一个无足轻重的细弱之类,可以随便玩耍完了就丢开了。Tess was no insignificant creature to toy with and dismiss.
- 现在正在衰老下去的独裁者the now aging dictator.
- 统治该国达50多年之久的独裁者a dictator who controlled the country for over 50 years
- 无足轻重的footy
- 现售货物; 现在正在衰老下去的独裁者Goods now on sale; the now aging dictator.
- 但是他多少有些昏昏沉沉、无足轻重的味儿,至少表面如此。On the whole, however, there was something decidedly sluggish and insignificant about Jean Valjean in appearance, at least
- 独裁者dictator
- 当你疯狂的独裁者,也耽误冒进移走。When you have crazy dictators, it takes a radical move to remove them.
- 荣誉对他来说是无足轻重的。Honors are but chips to him.
- (1889-1945)二战中,德国的独裁者。(1889-1945) German dictator during World War II.
- 他在公司里是个无足轻重的人物。He's a mere cipher in the company.
- 现售货物;现在正在衰老下去的独裁者goods now on sale;the now aging dictator.
- 可是自己是一个无足轻重的人,居然有被他收罗的资格,足见未可妄自菲But if someone as inconsequential as himself was worth of patronage, then obviously he shouldn't underestimate himself.
- 这次反攻仅仅存在于这位穷途末路的独裁者的狂热的脑海中。The counterattack existed only in the feverish mind of the desperate dictator.
- 他只是个无足轻重的人。He is just a nobody.
- 老大哥(专制国家中假仁假义的独裁者或势力).Big Brother (dictator or the forces of a totalitarian state controlling every aspect of people's lives while pretending to be kindly)
- 她认为我还是目个无足轻重的小孩子。She sees me as a little kid who counts for nothing.