



  1. 偷窃狂一种不考虑经济需要的持续的要去偷窃的神经冲动,通常由与被偷窃的物品相关的无意识的象征性价值引起
    An obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need, usually arising from an unconscious symbolic value associated with the stolen item.
  2. 心理分析由西格蒙德·弗洛伊德创立的一套精神治疗的方法,用自由联系、对梦的阐释和对抵抗和移情的分析来研究被压抑或无意识的冲动、焦虑和内心冲突
    The method of psychiatric therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts.
  3. 习惯一种由于不断的重复而形成的反复出现,经常是无意识的行为方式
    A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.
  4. 我们大多数人的呼吸都是无意识的。
    For most of us breathing is automatic.
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