- 理会pay attention to
- 无心indeliberateness
- 不理会past careing
- 无心的unintentional
- 他的信无人理会。His letters were ignored.
- 此时此刻她无心闲聊。At the moment she had no appetite for gossip.
- 他毫不理会我们的建议,将我们丢在一边,而去谈其它的事。He took no notice of our suggestion; he fobbed us off and talked of something else.
- 无心磨床centreless grinder
- 有人嘲笑你的话,不用理会,不要害臊,以向他们表明你并不在乎。Don't pay any attention if people laugh at you. Walk tall and show then you don't care.
- 有口无心(on speaking sharply) one doesn't really mean what one has said
- 那小男孩根本就不理会我对他的警告。The little boy gave no heed to my warning.
- 她遗弃了男朋友,真够无心无肺的。She was awfully thick-skinned about dumping her boyfriend.
- 无心进取One has no intention to advance in personal attainment
- 她不屑理会他的粗话。She disdained to answer/answering his rude remarks.
- 落后者遭殃让每个人追求自身的利益,不理会别人如何过话Let each person follow self-interest, leaving others to fare as they may.
- 诱人的音乐使他无心学习下去。The music wiled him from his study.
- 看到这样的残酷行径,怎么能够毫不理会呢?How can one stand by and see such cruelty?
- 无心的怠慢;无意识双关语;那过错不是故意的;一个无心的过错也许会被原谅。an unintended slight; an unintentional pun; the offense was unintentional; an unwitting mistake may be overlooked.
- 她屡屡求助均无人理会.All her appeals for help fell on deaf ears.
- 我现在无心阅读。I am not in the mood to read just now.