- 无尽意。若有人受持六十二亿恒河沙菩萨名字。复尽形供养饮食、服、具、药。于汝意云何。是善男子善女人。功德多不。Therefore, every single living being should hold Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva's name in mind.
- 结knot
- 结汇surrender of exchange
- 中意catch the fancy of
- 无尽的endless
- 结帐to settle accounts
- 意淫psychosexuality
- 月结monthly closing
- 无尽unexhaustible
- 中国结Chinese knot
- 意欲conation
- 回心转意change one's mind
- 结清settle
- 意甲Division A League Football Matches of Italy
- 结点crunode
- 中意的favorite
- 索结hitch
- 在意的equipollent
- 办结finish
- 意指drive at