- 用马朝着极致的各个方向把尸体分开kill by pulling the victim's body into pieces by having horses pull on each extremity
- 带有刹车手柄的把手式方向把手Steering gripe with braking handle
- 用马朝着极致的各个方向把尸体分开。kill by pulling the victim's body into pieces by having horses pull on each extremity.
- 采用合体式跑车方向把,驾驶舒适自如。She used to style racing bike course, like driving comfort.
- 把手knob
- 一把handful
- 希特勒的党卫军按医生所指的方向把。In the direction the doctor had indicated.
- 把我Me.
- 并把to include
- 按顺时针方向转动旋钮。Twist the knob clockwise.
- 手把handlebar
- 把头labor contractor
- 把这些单词背熟。Learn these words off by heart.
- 采用分体式跑车方向把,驾驶舒适自如。The direction of a separate sport cars, like driving comfort.
- 门把手doorknob
- 把酒raise one's wine cup
- 我把文章修改了两次I rewrote the essay twice.
- 把自己照顾好。Take good care of yourself.
- 把期限提前一星期Advance a deadline by one week.
- 车把handlebar