- 元史Yuan Shih
- 元primary
- 审音与勘同之法在蒙元史等研究领域内的运用The Exercise of Checking and Comparing Pronunciations in the Research of the Mongolian History and Yuan Dynasty
- 史history
- 一般的准则是,如有人帮你搬运行李,给一新元就够了。As a general guide, S%241 should be adequate for baggage-lugging service.
- 换新renew
- 顺帝在朝中举行盛会,令文人学士和画家著诗文、作画来记述这一盛事,《元史》亦有记载。The emperor held splendid banquet and convened scholars and painters to write poetic prose and draw pictures to record and narrate this great occasion,"The History of Yuan Dynasty" recorded it.
- 新世界New World
- 新东方New Orient
- 明代王宗沐的《续资治通鉴》是元明时期第一部以《通鉴》原典体例来续著宋元史的续通鉴类史书。In Ming Dynasty,XuZiZhiTongJian of Wang Zong-Mu is the first continuous work of ZiZhiTongJian in the original J-Teisai in Yuan and Ming dynasty.
- 新会员recruit
- 百元century
- 新来的newcome
- 多元multivariant
- 高新high-new
- 新片new film
- 一元dollar
- 新能源new energy
- 元的[计] meta
- 新股new share