- 上海新例加班工资可以协商确定Overtime Pay Negotiable in Shanghai Under New Rules
- 魁省投资类新例何时实施,内容如何呢?Chief province invests kind of new precedent when to be carried out, content how?
- 听说加拿大技术移民评分条例在明年初会有较大改动,我是今年年底提出申请,能否明年用新例重新审核一遍?Hear of byelaw of grading of Canadian technology immigrant to have in the meeting at the beginning of next year bigger alter, I am this year the end of the year offers application, whether use new example next year new examine and verify?
- 换新renew
- 新世界New World
- 答:在送件后,如法例有所改变,移民官一般会将旧例及新例一起评分,如按新旧所评的分数有差异,移民官一般都取较高的分数为所得分。Answer: Sending hind, if law exemple is changed somewhat, emigrant official is met commonly will old routine and new precedent give a mark together, if press the mark that new old place judges to have difference, emigrant official takes higher mark to be divided for earning commonly.
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