- 《基本法》规定了首三届立法会的组成方式。The composition of the first three terms of the Legislative Council as set out in the Basic Law is as follows.
- 公民陪审团希望对这位连任三届的议员展开调查。A citizen watchdog group wants an investigation into the three-term senator.
- 对21世纪初中美俄新三角关系的几点看法Some Reflections on the New Triangular Relationship between China, the United States and Russia at the Beginning of the 21st Century
- 届period
- 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(1882-1945),美国第32任总统,惟一一位连任三届的总统。Franklin Delane Roosevelt (1882--1945), 32nd president of the United States (1933--1945), the only president to be reelected three times
- 换新renew
- 新世界New World
- 三年three years
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 新东方New Orient
- 三级third class
- 新会员recruit
- 首届first
- 三国Three Kingdoms
- 新来的newcome
- 三个月trimester
- 高新high-new
- 周三Wednesday
- 新片new film
- 三次third