- 整体活塞single piece piston
- 内燃机活塞裙部的流体动力润滑特性Hydrodynamic Lubricating Characters of Piston Skirt Profile in Internal Combustion Engine
- 整体overall
- 耦合弹性变形的活塞裙润滑有限元求解Study on Coupling of lubrication and Deformation Behavior of a Piston Skirt by Finite Element Method
- 整体的monolithic
- 活塞piston
- 考虑活塞热变形的活塞裙部润滑计算分析Calculation and Analysis of Piston Skirt Lubrication Considering the Thermal Deformation of Piston
- 整体性globality
- 整体上on the whole
- 采用异形活塞销孔解决大型组合活塞裙部裂损问题的探讨To Handle the Fracture of a Large Combined Piston Skirt by Using Special Piston Pin Hole
- 整体结构monolithic construction
- 裁缝拆开下摆将连衫裙收短。The tailor ripped the hem and shortened the dress.
- 整体式integral type
- 她穿一件丝绒连衫裙。She wore a velvet dress.
- 整体地integrally
- 活塞销piston pin
- 她的连衫裙用褶边装饰。Her dress was adorned with ruffles.
- 整体规划integrated planning
- 活塞式plunger type
- 作为一个整体来看taken as a whole