- 黄河泥沙分离机整体平衡方法及应用Locale homeostasis method and application of separator separating Yellow River water and mud-sand
- 暴雨雨水处理对动力和环境负荷的影响:河域整体平衡The influence of stormwater treatment on the hydraulic and pollution load - balance for an entire river basin
- 整体平衡律global balanced law
- 整体overall
- 本文从上海黄浦江E-18地块的现状分析入手,探讨滨水空间开发整体平衡的必要性。Analyzing the current state of the plotE-18 in Huang Pu Bund, this paper discusses the necessityof the integral balance in developing the lower reaches ofthe riverside space.
- 整体的monolithic
- 胆怯、脆弱、易怒、缺少生气、外观笨重、缺乏整体平衡都会削弱柯利犬的整体外观得分。Timidity, frailness, sullenness, viciousness, lack of animation, cumbersome appearance and lack of over-all balance impair the general character.
- 整体性globality
- 保持良好的平衡对舞蹈演员非常重要。Good poise is important for a dancer.
- 整体上on the whole
- 渔夫失去了平衡,一头栽进海里。The fisherman lost his balance and pitched into the sea.
- 这个天平不平衡.This pair of scales is not in equilibrium.
- 整体结构monolithic construction
- 恢复平衡redress the balance
- 整体式integral type
- 电解质不平衡electrolyte imbalance
- 整体地integrally
- 改正不平衡现象aright the imbalance
- 整体规划integrated planning
- 作为一个整体来看taken as a whole