- 整体动物实验Integral animal experiment
- 从流行病学研究和整体动物研究两个方面,对极低频电磁场暴露的健康危害进行了评价。In this paper, epidemiological studies and animal studies in vivo were reviewed in order to evaluate the health impacts of exposure to ELF electromagnetic fields.
- 整体overall
- 在整体动物CBX预处理可以导致癫痫发作增强,这可能与星形胶质细胞增生及其Cx32表达降低有关。The present results indicate that epilepsy enhancemented by CBX pretreatment may be related to astrocytic hyperplasia and the decreased expression of Cx32 protein.
- 整体的monolithic
- 要为一个细胞,一个通过基因改造的器官或是一个整体动物申请专利,则更难符合目前盛行的逻辑了。The prevailing logic becomes even more strained when consideration turns to patenting a cell, or a genetically modified organ, or a whole animal.
- 虎是一种普通的猫科动物。The tiger is a common representative of the cat family.
- 整体性globality
- 整体上on the whole
- 动物能够繁殖同类。Animals can reproduce their own kind.
- 在冬天许多动物都处于睡眠状态。Many animals are in a dormant state during winter.
- 整体结构monolithic construction
- 大象是现有的最大的陆上动物。The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.
- 整体式integral type
- 许多动物在春天交配。Many animals mate in the spring.
- 整体地integrally
- 有些动物能再生身体上失去的部分。Some animals can reproduce lost parts of their bodies.
- 整体规划integrated planning
- 大熊猫是中国特有的动物。The giant panda is native to China.
- 作为一个整体来看taken as a whole