- 散乱在地上的被褥.bedclothes in a tumble on the floor
- 如果你把一根点燃的香烟掉在地上,就有可能引起火灾。If you drop a lighted cigarette, you could set off a fire.
- 房间一片混乱,脏衣服扔在地板上,化装品散乱在梳妆台上,到处都是空的瓶。The room was in chaos--- dirty clothes strewn on the floor, cosmetics scattered over the dresser, empty bottles and cans everywhere.
- 在地上on the ground
- 散乱的树叶把人行道变得乱七八糟;不要忘记收拾好散乱在地板上到处都是的衣服。scattered leaves littered the sidewalk; don't forget to pick up the clothes lying strewn all over the floor.
- 比如说抽屉被拉开了,或者零碎的东西散乱在地板上,For instance, the drawers opened, odds and ends dispersed on the floor
- 他好象听见床底下有老鼠的声音,就趴在地上看了一下。He thought he heard a mouse under the bed, and got down on all fours to have a look.
- 被冻牢在地上的车轮wheels frozen to the ground
- 打已经倒在地上的人是不公平的。It's not according to Hoyle to hit a man when he's down.
- 由于长时间在强烈日光下晒得头昏眼花,他整个人跌倒在地上。He was so giddy with that long exposure that he fell all his length.
- 拖曳在地上的新娘的长连衣裙the bride's long dress draggling on the ground
- 他在那高低不平的地面上才走了几步,就被绊了一下,直挺挺地跌趴在地上。He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face.
- 把撒在地上的水拖掉。Swab up water that has been upset on the floor.
- 长的衣、袍、裙等拖在地上的部分Part of a longdress or robe that trails on the ground behind the wearer
- 我过去以为这种热带甜水果长在灌木上,后来才知道它原来长在地上。I used to think that this sweet tropical fruit grew on a bush, but later learned that in fact it grows on the ground.
- 在桌子底下摸索着找掉在地上的糖块.scrabble about under the table for the dropped sweets
- 裁判员对着倒在地上的拳击手数到十。The referee counted ten over the fallen boxer.
- 他用力挥捧去击下一个投来的球,只擦着了球边,自己却重重地摔在地上。He swung hard at the next delivery, got an outside edge, and fell heavily to the ground.
- 农夫把晒在地上的大豆耙拢。The farmer raked the soybeans he was drying on the ground.
- 他把跪在地上的老太婆扶起来,送回家去。He raised the old woman from her knees and took her home.