- 教徒们排著队进入教堂.The congregation entered the church in procession .
- 教徒们排著队进入教堂。The congregation entered the church in procession.
- 他们排著队等候看电影。They're queuing up to see a film.
- 教徒们排着队进入教堂.The congregation entered the church in procession.
- 我排著队拿著爱的号码牌I am queuing, holding the number for love
- 们(plural marker for pronouns and a few animate nouns)
- 参加葬礼的人们鱼贯进入教堂。The mourners at the funeral entered the church in single file.
- 这些新成员第一次被允许进入教堂内室。For the first time the new initiates were allowed into the inner chapel.
- 生活在泰国和老挝的湄公河地区的佛教教徒们所说的台语。the Tai language of a Buddhist people living in the area of the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos.
- 男孩们排成一行。The boys formed a line.
- 正式进入make one's bow
- 我就象偶尔进入教堂里边的其它游手好闲者一样,信步顺着两旁的通道往前走。I lounged up the side aisle like any other idler who has dropped into a church.
- 这事对孩子们的健康成长关系极大。This concerns the healthy growth of the children deeply.
- 排出的exhaust
- "孩子们在假期做些什么有益活动?""What do the children do with themselves during the holidays?"
- 有一个大型的音乐演唱比赛,如果我们阳光歌唱队进入比赛,或许我们会赢呢!Angus: Thers's going to be a big singing competition, if the Sunshine Singers enter, maybe we'll win!
- (排他的)社会团体caste
- 清教徒们由于受到宗教迫害而外逃到邻国。The Puritans, persecuted for their religious beliefs, fled to neighbouring countries.
- 在悠久的历史长河中人类逐渐脱离野蛮状态而进入文明。Man has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history.
- 那队囚犯拖著沉重的步子向门口蹭去。The queue of prisoners shuffled towards the door.