- 敌人正向我们开枪.The enemy was firing (their guns ) at us .
- 显然,敌人正向西方全数撤退。Enemy is apparently in full retreat towards the west.
- 正在in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 假如有人从楼上的窗户向我们开枪, 我不会觉得意外。It would not have surprised me if someone had opened fire on us from an upstairs window.
- 显然,敌人正向西方全数撤退。Enemy is apparently in full retreat towards the west.
- 正Chinese 1st month of year
- 我们开枪把敌人从躲藏的地方赶了出来。We shot the enemy out of their hiding places.
- 正向positive direction
- 你没看到教练发的指令吗?该我们开枪了。Didn't you see the signal from the coach? It is our turn to shoot.
- 他正朝着我们开枪!He's firing at us!
- 他点头向我们打招呼。He greeted us with a nod.
- 她的敌人正密谋把她搞垮。Her enemies were scheming her downfall.
- 我们看见一个机器人,我们预测出某个时间它将在哪里,然后我们开枪。We see a robot, we figure out where it will be in a certain time and then we fire.
- 他的敌人正狼狈为奸,拼凑力量。His enemies were banding together, and combining their efforts
- 正向的positive-going
- 敌人正沿边境一带加强进攻能力。The enemy is strengthening their attack power along the border.
- 世界正向前发展。The world is moving onward.
- 拂晓时敌人向我们的防线开火。The enemy opened fire on our lines at dawn .
- 飞机正向上升入高空。The plane was nosing high up into the sky.
- 如果你的侧翼包抄进行的很顺利,是因为敌人正期待着你从侧翼接近他们。If your flank march is going well, the enemy expects you to outflank him.