- 中学生的道德判断推理水平、同伴关系和亲社会行为关系研究A Study of Junior Students' Moral Judgement, Peer Relationship, and Prosocial Behavior
- 中学生的道德判断推理水平、同伴关系和亲社会行为关系的研究Relationships Among Middle School Students'Moral Judgement, Companionship and Prosocial Behavior
- 政治politics
- 亲intimate
- 那位报纸专栏作家喜欢对政治和社会的显要人物进行随意批评。That newspaper columnist likes to take potshots at potshots at political and social celebrities.
- 大分子蛋白质由于受到各种力的作用是稳定的,这些力包括疏水作用和亲水作用,二硫键和规则的水。Large protein molecules are stabilized by many forces, including hydrophobic\\hydrophilic interactions, disulfide bonds, and ordered water.
- 甘地在印度历史上是政治和宗教要人。Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history.
- 北京是中国的政治和金融中心。Beijing is the political and financial center of China.
- 团体内同伴提名和教师访谈显示,干预活动有助于促进学生的积极心境、自我控制能力和亲社会社交能力的发展,有助于减少攻击、同伴拒绝等适应不良行为。The outcomes of peer nomination and interviews with guiders showed that after intervention, students attained more positive mood, higher ability of self-control and sociability, and their maladaptive behaviors, like aggression and peer rejection, were reduced.
- 反对现存文化的人;在政治和生活方式上极度自由的提倡者someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle
- 乌托邦理想中完美的地方,尤指社会,政治和道德方面完美的An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects.
- 我开始突击学习政治和公众事务课程。I began a crash course in politics and public affairs.
- 政治和宗教是人们平常交谈的主要话题。Politics and religion are daily topics of conversation.
- 回忆录对李光耀的治国才能、政治和国际外交的丰富经验有生动流畅的记载。The memoir is an eloquent chronicle of Lee Kuan Yew's extensive experiences in statecraft, politics and international diplomacy
- 处理政府、政治和国家事务或组织。dealing with the affairs or structure of government or politics or the state.
- 除了英语,我们还学习政治和语文。Besides English, we study politics and Chinese.
- 政治和罪恶其实是一样的。《教父》Politics and crime, they’re the same thing.《GODFATHER》
- 首先我们必须学会客观地观察政治和社会生活,而不再完全用道德的术语去考虑它。But first of all we must learn to look at political and social life objectively and cease to think of it wholly in moral terms!
- 这个国家对政治和军事霸权的不断谋求the country's continuing desire for political and military hegemony
- 甘地在印度历史上是政治和宗教要人Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in indian history