- 政府大幅度减税的承诺.a government promise to slash taxes
- 政府大幅度减税的承诺。A government promise to slash taxes.
- 大幅度vast scale
- 政府government
- 反对党把希望寄托在下次政府大换班的选举上。The opposition party are pinning their hopes on a massive swing away from the government in the next election.
- 政府未能兑现减税的承诺。The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes.
- 这种大幅度提价到95美元是不可取的,因为没有人会付给卡特尔这样高的价格。The handsome markup to 95 could be worthless, since nobody would be paying it to the cartel.
- 一场围绕着减税的辩论正在激烈进行中。A fierce debate on the tax cut was going on.
- 大幅度的减少slash
- 提出减税的各种理由to advance reasons for a tax cut
- 政府增加教育经费的承诺a government undertaking to spend more on education
- 通过立法来减税的做法an advantage bestowed by legislation that reduces a tax on some preferred activity
- 有一天,当政府大部分人员都不在城里的时候,他夺取了政权,并要求梭发那亲王组织一个新政府。One day when most of the government were out of town he seized power and asked Prince Zouvanna to form a new government.
- 大幅度增长substantial increase
- 减税的扩张效应分析Expansion Effect of Tax Cutting
- 政府重申保护海港的承诺Government reaffirms commitment on harbour protection
- 关于美国减税的一点思考Views on Tax Cut in the United States
- 1997年8月以来,夏县疗1井共出现4次大幅度的逸出He高值异常。Liao No. 1 well in Xia county appears 4 times high value anomaly since Agu.
- 政府已经改变了缩小班级规模的承诺。The government had retreated from its pledge to reduce class sizes.
- 一场围绕著减税的辩论正在激烈进行中。A fierce debated on the tax cut is going on.