- 角色扮演类游戏role playing game
- 战术策略类游戏RTS Real time Strategy Game
- 放置put
- 在概率类游戏或比赛中打赌或下注。To bet or wager money on games of chance, races, etc.
- 开源汽车模拟竞速类游戏;The Open Racing Car Simulator;
- 多人在线角色扮演类游戏MMORPG
- 衬箔在展出的宝石下放置的用以衬出其光泽的薄层剖光金属A thin layer of polished metal placed under a displayed gem to lend it brilliance.
- 胺类amine
- 这颗炸弹是右翼极端分子放置的。The bomb was planted by right-wing extremists.
- 我们以前周末时经常玩牌类游戏。We used to play card games on weekends.
- 聚类分析cluster analysis
- 每个人都能参加这游戏。Everyone can participate in this game.
- 灵长类Primates
- 果类fruit
- 类项category
- 布类mercery
- 当他放置了答复的时候,男孩冷静,开始定金的游戏。The boy seemed to calm down as he placed a reply, beginning the game in earnest.
- 第一类first kind
- 蔬菜类greengrocery
- 把地雷放置在吉普车旁边(地雷在游戏中是不可见的)。Place the mine just by the jeep (the mine will be invisible)