- 攻击to attack
- 核潜艇nuke
- 攻击的agressire
- 人身攻击assault and battery
- 攻击者assaulter
- 三叉核潜艇Where the Navy's Trident nuclear submarines
- 装备有弹道导弹的核潜艇A nuclear submarine armed with ballistic missiles.
- 攻击目标punching bag
- 导弹核潜艇nuclear submarine armed with guided missiles
- 易受攻击的pregnable
- 退役核潜艇retired nuclear submarine
- 失事核潜艇wrecked nuclear-powered submarine
- 他仍在攻击主办人。He was still on the offensive against the sponsors.
- 这艘船是被一艘核潜艇击沉的。The ship was sunk by an atomic submarine.
- 当时有几个评论家正在攻击他。Some critics were then having a tilt at him.
- 核潜艇核事故Nuclear accident in nuclear submarine
- 他公然予以攻击。He made an undisguised attack.
- 核潜艇沉没事件incident of the sucken nuclear-powered submarine
- 攻击未成功。The attack was unsuccessful.
- 核潜艇战损修理研究Study of repair of damaged nuclear submarine in war