- 主任director
- 办公室主任chief of office
- 副主任deputy director
- 主任的chief
- 他们对那个收税人恨之入骨。They love the tax collector as the devil loves holy water.
- 车间主任shop manager
- 我们将派戴维去收税。We'll send David along to collect the tax.
- 包出收税权farm out the right to collect taxes
- 主任科员Principal Staff Member
- 收税人从我的所得中提取1/3。The tax man rakes a third off everything I earn.
- 教导主任Director of Teaching and
- 他对于欺骗收税人员毫不内疚。He had no qualms about cheating the tax collectors.
- 把它交给收税员Take it to the taxman
- 教研室主任Head of the Teaching and Research Section
- 他们一月两次到那里来收税[租]。They went there twice a month to callect taxes[rents].
- 车间副主任assistant superintendent
- 我们对剥削阶级是狠狠地收税的。We do heavily tax the exploiting classes.
- 主任助理assistant director
- 国税IC卡农业银行代收税应用系统The System of the Agricultural Bank Collecting Taxes Replacing fornational Tax Office with IC Cards
- 教务主任director of teaching affair