- 储备(v) store up reserves
- 外汇储备foreign exchange reserve
- 储备金reserve
- 人才储备reserve of talents
- 延缓收益defer red income
- 黄金储备gold reserve
- 从收益中扣除成本to stop the cost from the gains
- 储备基金reserve funds
- 普通股每股收益Earnings per share of common stock
- 储备货币reserve currency
- 钚收益plutonium credit
- 财产卖价高出买价的那部分收益。the amount by which the selling price of an asset exceeds the purchase price.
- 储备量reserve
- 收益,收入revenue income
- 起码收益threshold returns
- 此处的粮食供储备用。The grain here is for store.
- 人均收益average earnings per capita
- 技术储备technical storage
- 附加收益a side benefit.
- 以金银为凭的以金银储备而不是银行存款为凭证的。用于货币流通Backed by bullion rather than by credit. Used of currency.