- 收取collect
- 税款taxation
- 收取费用collection of charges
- 递延税款deferred tax
- 收取现金collection of cash
- 退税款tax rebate
- 保证收取货款佣金del credere commission
- 从薪金中扣除税款deduct the tax from the paycheck
- 他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。They charge a fixed rate for each transaction.
- 我想要求归还去年缴纳的部分税款。I want to reclaim some of the tax I paid last year.
- 口粮收取费用为马提供的食宿及照料The boarding and care of horses for a fee.
- 为平均负担税款而调整过的法律a law framed to equalize the tax burden
- 代理商,作为代理为他人购买或出售并收取佣金的代理或人。Agent or person who buy or sell as an agent for another in exchange for a commission.
- 可扣除的税款tax deductible
- 收取运费collect freight
- 扣缴税款withholding
- 有的人在自家大门口放只箱子或篮子收取信件。Some people have boxes or baskets for letters beside the front door.
- 不缴纳税款就可能被起诉。Failureto pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.
- 包出税款farm
- 该项服务按成本价格收取费用。It is offered to the public on a full cost recovery basis.