




操作系统 [cāo zuò xì tǒng]



  1. 使用户实体能够注册(例如标识用户本身、注册目的以及进入时间)的一种装置,并能和相应的数据一起注销,以便配合操作系统办理适当的记帐手续。
    A device that enables a user entity to log in, for example, to identify itself, its purpose and the time of entry; and to log out with the corresponding data so that the appropriate accounting procedures may be carried out in accordance with the operating system.
  2. 一种为商业环境而设计的通用数据库管理和多用户操作系统。
    A generalized database management and multi-user operating system designed for the business environment.
  3. 由用户定义让计算机去完成的一种工作单位。习惯上说,“作业”这个术语通常指的是作业的一种表述,这种表述可以包括一组计算机程序、一组文卷及一些给操作系统下达命令的控制语句。
    A unit of work that is defined by a user and that is to be accomplished by a computer. Loosely, the term "job" is sometimes used to refer to a representation of a job. This representation may include a set of computer programs, files, and control statements to the operating system.
  4. 完整地规定了计算机工作单位的一组数据。一个作业一般包括所有必须的计算机程序、连接程序、文件以及操作系统指令。
    A set of data that completely defines a unit of work for a computer. A job usually includes all necessary computer programs, linkages, files, and instructions to the operating system.
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