- 盒small box
- 接线盒junction box
- 机顶盒set-top box
- 保鲜盒crisper
- 他会操作这台机器。He knows how to handle the machine.
- 一盒a box of ...
- 学会熟练地操作电脑是不容易习得的。The skilful operation of a computer is hard to learn.
- 小盒locket
- 大量家务活可用机械化操作。A good deal of housework can be mechanized.
- 化妆盒powder box
- 这台机器很难操作。This machine is awkward to handle.
- 名片盒cardcase
- 已告诉工人要提高操作水平。The workers have been told to improve their operating level.
- 盒装box-packed; case-package
- 糖果盒bonbonniere
- 操作走廊operating aisle
- 试剂盒kit
- 新型计算机的操作周期短。it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass.
- 操作刈草机work a mower
- 存钱盒saving box