- 擅长推理的哲学家.a philosopher skilled in deduction
- 引入语,推导语例如于是或由于那个原因,等表现推理的词或词组A word or phrase, such as hence or for that reason, that expresses an inference.
- 擅长to be good at
- 胆汁质(暴躁)的哲学家的世界观,要加上一小撮盐方能接受,惟以泻盐为较佳。A bilious philosopher's opinion of the world can only be accepted with a pinch of salt, of epsom salt by preference.
- 哲学家philosopher
- 基于事例推理的高层建筑结构初步设计专家系统(应用篇)Expert system for structural preliminary design of high-rise buildings using case based reasoning(part 2: application)
- 基于范例、规则推理的新型程序设计ICAI系统研究与实现The Research and Implementation of Programming ICAI with Function of Automatic Reasoning Based on Case and Rule
- 相信没有一种单一的解释能够说明所有的自然现象的哲学家。a philosopher who believes that no single explanation can account for all the phenomena of nature.
- 我确信自己推理的正确。I am convinced of the truth of my reasoning.
- 古雅典的哲学家(公元前470-399年);柏拉图和色诺芬的老师ancient Athenian philosopher(470-399 BC); teacher of Plato and Xenophon
- 能推理的inferable
- 推理的能力rational powers
- 并非你所谓的不足称道的哲学家;你们那种基本的三层构架房屋Not one of your two-bit philosophers; your basic three-story frame house.
- 推理的方法logic
- 推理的年龄age of reasoning
- 答:德国的哲学家黑格尔说:真正的创造就是艺术想象的活动。Answer: Germany of the philosopher Georg Wilheim Friedrich Hegel, say:The real creation is the activity of the art imagination.
- 推理的合理性justification of reasoning
- 另一个农民出生的哲学家墨子也是如此。 墨子的出生和孔子去世的时间差不多。Not so Mo Ti, a peasant philosopher born at about the time that Confucius died.
- 不运用推理的[法] unreasoning
- 联畜推理的组合式combination expression of association inference