- 望hope
- 撩lift up (skirt)
- 望梅止渴console oneself with vain hopes
- 撩人stirring; exciting; teasing
- 了望oversee
- 瞭望lookout; observation
- 望穿秋水await with great expectation
- 撩起kilt
- 回望look back to
- 撩人的voluptuous
- 望其项背approach somebody's greatness
- 丢盔撩甲To throw away the helmet and drag apart the arm our
- 他怀疑地望着眼前这奇怪的人。He looked with misgiving at the strange man in front of him.
- 撩水to sprinkle water
- 相望face each other
- 杭州西湖使游客撩船忘返。The west lake in Hangchow is a magnet for visitors.
- 她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.
- 撩蜂剔蝎stir up a wasps' nest or put one's foot upon a scorpion
- 得陇望蜀be insatiable
- 对望isologue