- 撞to hit
- 丧mourning
- 撞上knock into
- 撞倒run down
- 撞死collide
- 撞球billiard ball
- 丧胆heigh-ho
- 撞伤bruise
- 如丧考妣grief
- 撞到bump against; run into
- 零零散散悼丧的人a little straggle of mourners
- 防撞anti-collision
- 他已丧妻。He has buried his wife.
- 撞人tip-in
- 沉船使80人丧了命。By the sinking of the ship eighty souls were launched into eternity.
- 撞坏crack up
- 黑色是居丧的表征。Black is a token of mourning.
- 撞衫resemblance in wearing
- 一辆卡车撞了摩托车。A truck rammed a motorbike.
- 撞毁pile up