- 王后queen
- 我有会见王后的特权。I had the privilege of meeting the queen.
- 连国王和王后在战时都经受了苦难。Even the King and Queen experienced hardship during the war.
- 国王是如此深受王后的影响,以致她成了国家的实际统治者。The king was so much under the influence of his wife that she was the virtual ruler of the country.
- 摄政的王后a queen regent
- 向王后行屈膝礼make a curtsy to the queen
- 侍候王后to attend upon the queen
- 国王和王后突然生病的消息传开了。The news came out that king and queen suddenly fell ill.
- 这艘新航空母舰由王后正式下令下海使用。The new aircraft carrier was officially launched into the sea by the queen.
- 被派照看王后或公主的女子。a lady appointed to attend to a queen or princess.
- 八王后问题eight queen problem
- (公元前69-30年)埃及王后。(69-30 BC) queen of Egypt.
- 王后(并非女王)queen consort
- 他发誓效忠于王后He swore his oath of allegiance to the queen.
- 这位老夫人向那个旁观者打听王后推迟到达的原因。The old lady enquired of a bystander the reason for the delay in the Queen's arrival.
- 红桃王后the queen of hearts
- 他被召见去见王后。He was summoned to the presence of the Queen .
- 信使鞠躬向王后告辞。The messenger bowed and took leave of the queen.
- 王后也随同国王前来。The queen consort has come together with the king.
- 五朔节王后a May queen(= at a festival to celebrate the coming of spring)