- 自慰console oneself
- 搜to search
- 幼幼集成A complete work on Pediatrics, a collection and arrangement of the chief contents from ancient pediatrics, written by Chen Fuzheng
- 幼幼新书A New Book of Pediatrics, a medical work of pediatrics in the Song Dynasty, written by Liu Fang
- 自定义user-defined
- 自oneself
- 《幼幼新书》Medical Care of Children
- 幼young
- 词霸PowerWord
- 搜狗search dog
- 他借发泄悲痛获得自慰。He vented himself in grief.
- 一只公牛发现一只狮子的幼兽在睡觉,便用角把它抵死了。A bull, finding a lion's whelp asleep, gore him to death with his horn.
- 金山词霸Kingsoft
- 自拍autodyne
- 自恋narcissism
- 聚集性最强的尺度规模在幼、中龄期为50 m2,老龄期为300 m2。The area for highest congregation occurred in 50 m2 when the populations were young or middle age stages and 300 m2 when they were in old age stages.
- 自大bighead
- 摘要采用电子微芯片皮下注射技术在新疆北部对13只猎隼幼鸟进行微芯片注射。We injected 13 young saker Falco cherrug with ID micro-chipping by hypodermic technique in north Xinjiang.
- 自在feel at home
- 幼仔young baby