- 握把还是木的刷过清漆.The grip is wooden and painted with Qing lacquer.
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。""Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 基于通用设计理念,采用更易把持,使用更加方便的刷柄。The handles of our toothbrushes incorporate a universal design that simplifies the holding and use the brush.
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。""How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- "发言者没有把自己的观点解释得十分清楚,因而引起了一些误解。"The speaker failed to put his ideas over clearly enough so that some misunderstanding arose.
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- D形握把spade grip
- 5辆救火车仅过1小时就把火势控制住了。Five fire engines brought the blaze under control in just over an hour.
- "跟平常一样在他陷入沉思之前他把双臂交叉起来,低下了头。"He folded his arms and lowered down his head as usual before he was in deep thought.
- "她没有给我回信。事实是,她甚至没有看过我的信。"She didn't answer my letter. The fact is she didn't even read it.
- (门窗的)过梁构成门窗上部框架的平行梁木,并支持上面的构架The horizontal beam that forms the upper member of a window or door frame and supports the structure above it.
- 速度过高,带来的问题不少,对改革和社会风气也有不利影响,还是稳妥一点好。If the growth rate were too high,it would create many problems that would have a negative effect on the reform and on social conduct. It is better to be prudent.
- 即使你把种子倒过来种,根须还是往下长。Even if you plant the seed upside down,the roots will still grow down.
- HPLC测定不同产地功劳木中盐酸巴马亭及盐酸小檗碱的含量Determination of palmatine hydrochloride and berberine hydrochloride in Chinese Mahonia Stem from different habitats by HPLC
- 如果你不喜欢漆的颜色,我最好把厨房重刷一遍。If you don't like the colour of the paint,I'd better do the kitchen over.
- 高大禾木因其坚挺、伸长的圆锥花序被用来作扫帚和刷子。tall grasses grown for the elongated stiff-branched panicle used for brooms and brushes.
- 他们虽然没想到我要来, 但还是设法匆匆做了一顿丰盛的饭。Even though they weren't expecting me, they managed to knock up a marvelous meal.
- 把优良传统接过来,传下去take over and carry forward the fine tradition
- 每当你知道手中所握到的任何人或事会让你感到安全,你会抓稳著他,保留著或囤积著。Ever searching for security, you latch to people or things that help you achieve that essential feeling.
- 表现为针叶树组形成木对林隙的贡献随时间降低 ,阔叶树组反之 ;the contribution of conifer species to gap formation decreased with time and broadleaf species increased.