- 它可以有无数表现形式,从插科打挥到追求死后的名声。It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame.
- 它可以有无数表现形式,从插科打挥到追求死后的名声。It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame.
- 插科打浑buffoonery; gag; jesting
- 善于插科打浑的喜剧演员gagman
- 这段对话是他们心照不宣地插科打浑的一部分。The exchange was part of a private game they played without admitting it.
- 忽而庄严说教,忽而插科打浑,忽而高歌一曲,忽而舞步翩翩。Come upon the screen, now serious preaches, now comic gestures and remarks, now resounding songs, now twists and dances.
- 科比Bryant
- 三位官员拘谨地挥了挥手。The three officials waved stiffly.
- 插值interpolation
- 内科医生internist
- 安打bingle
- 插槽slot
- 猎人挥刀向熊猛烈砍去。The hunter slashed at the bear with his knife.
- 插上plug into
- 重打overtype
- 插线板wiring board
- 猫科动物felid
- 爱好打乒乓的人越来越多了。More and more people are going in for table tennis.
- 插板flashboard
- 内科医生或外科医生A physician or surgeon.