- 川芎嗪对血管性痴呆患者认知功能及血浆和脑脊液中精氨酸加压素含量的提高效应Effect of tetramethylpyrazine in improving cognitive function and content of arginine vasopressin in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with vascular dementia
- 效应effect
- 温室效应greenhouse effect
- 蝴蝶效应butterfly effect
- 品牌效应brand effect
- 农业生产率已得到巨大提高。There have been enormous increases in agricultural productivity.
- 这种药物可以提高怀孕的机率。This drug can increase the chance of conception.
- 马太效应"the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. )"
- 已告诉工人要提高操作水平。The workers have been told to improve their operating level.
- 规模效应scale effect
- 你所能给我们的任何帮助都会提高你自己的声誉。Any help you can give us will redound to your own good name.
- 协同效应synergistic effect
- 发展经济的根本目的是提高全国人民的生活水平和质量。The fundamental goal of economic development is to uplift the living standards and quality of life of the people.
- 光电效应photoemission
- 提高谈话的声调to elevate the tone of a conversation
- 边际效应marginal utility
- 按比例提高工资to scale up wages
- 名人效应celebrity effect
- 场效应管FET
- 多普勒效应doppler