- 伊阿珀托斯一个提坦巨人,是普罗米修斯和阿特拉斯的父亲,而且是人类的祖先A Titan who was the father of Prometheus and Atlas and an ancestor of the human race.
- 提坦Titan
- 战war
- 提坦黄titan yellow
- 谁能赢得主干网之战?Who will win the battle for the backbones?
- 提坦号邮轮的精细小模型a detailed miniature of the Titanic
- 弭兵之战The war for armistice
- 提坦光纤Titan fiber
- 三魔之战The hunt for the Three
- 提坦菌素tetaine
- 背水之战To fight with one's back to the wall
- 提坦女神Titaness
- 赤壁之战The War of the Red Cliff
- 提坦喷射印花机Titan jet printing machine
- 神秘之战At War With the Mystics
- 提坦起重机Titan crane
- 拼命之战a desperate fight
- 塔尔塔罗斯冥府下面的深渊,提坦就被囚禁于此The abysmal regions below Hades where the Titans were confined.
- 快递之战Battle of express mail service
- 提坦巨神反宙斯战争Titanomachy